Resources and FAQs


Our Research Expertise

At Development Economics X, we pride ourselves on our deep expertise in applying advanced economic methods to solve complex challenges in the nonprofit and higher education sectors. Our team of seasoned researchers and data scientists leverage cutting-edge techniques across statistical causal inference, from randomized controlled trials to natural experiments to provide actionable insights and drive impactful results.

We are committed to ethical research practices and continuously strive to push the boundaries of what’s possible in digital marketing and data analysis. Our research not only informs our strategic approach but also contributes to the broader academic and professional communities.


  1. Q: What makes Development Economics X different from traditional marketing agencies? A: Our key differentiator is our use of causal inference techniques. Unlike traditional analytics that focus on correlations, we employ advanced econometric methods to establish true cause-and-effect relationships in your marketing efforts. This allows us to provide more accurate, actionable insights and drive better results.
  2. Q: How does causal inference improve marketing outcomes? A: Causal inference allows us to isolate the true impact of different marketing strategies, controlling for external factors. This means we can identify which specific actions truly drive desired outcomes, leading to more effective campaigns, better resource allocation, and improved ROI.
  3. Q: Do I need to have a background in economics or statistics to work with you? A: Not at all! While our methods are grounded in advanced economics and statistics, we specialize in translating complex insights into clear, actionable recommendations. We work closely with you to ensure you understand the rationale behind our strategies and the impact they’re having.
  4. Q: How long does it typically take to see results? A: The timeline can vary depending on the specific goals and challenges of each project. However, our causal inference approach often allows us to start generating insights and optimizing campaigns more quickly than traditional methods. We typically begin to see measurable improvements within the first 3-6 months of implementation.
  5. Q: Can you work with our existing marketing team? A: Absolutely! We’re happy to collaborate with your in-house team, providing our unique insights and methodologies to complement their expertise. We can also provide training to help your team understand and leverage causal inference in their ongoing work.
  6. Q: How do you measure success? A: We define success metrics in collaboration with each client, based on their specific goals. These could include increases in donations or enrollment rates, improved alumni engagement, enhanced reputation scores, or other relevant KPIs. Our causal inference approach allows us to accurately attribute improvements to specific strategies.
  7. Q: Is causal inference applicable to all types of marketing channels and campaigns? A: Causal inference can be applied to a wide range of marketing activities, from digital advertising and email campaigns to broader branding initiatives. The key is having sufficient data and the right experimental or quasi-experimental setups, which we can help design.
  8. Q: How does your pricing work? A: Our pricing is customized based on the scope and complexity of each project. We offer both project-based and retainer options. After an initial consultation where we understand your needs, we’ll provide a detailed proposal with transparent pricing.
  9. Q: Ok, I’m excited. How to I reach out? A: We’re excited too. Get in touch at contact[at]developmenteconomicsx[dot]com and we will take it from there.